Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Because You Deserve to Remember to Laugh

Ever watch something hilarious and then forget how hilarious it was? Kinda like the first twenty times you watched The Big Lebowski and found a new reason to laugh every time? You didn't do that? Well screw you anyway.

The greater feeling is realizing that after a long hiatus, after the laughter has flocculated aside the dust of time, you still find humor in something you used to enjoy so much. There is some comfort in that stability, knowing that either you or it have not changed so much as to become vague or unrecognizable.

For me, unfortunately, this is one of those moments.

I'll check back on you in a couple of years, Tourette's Guy.

Until then, fare thee well.

1 comment:

  1. If you change, my friend, then I don't want to be around anymore.
