Friday, April 23, 2010


I like how this is shaping up. It's the beginning of the Steam scene from AQUA. The concept is purgation of mental busyness and the contemplation of identity that can come from exposing yourself to the opportunity to do so.

Anyhow, check it out. It'll disappear in 30 days, so pardon the future broken link if you catch it before me.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Fie! An Onanaist Most Foul!

Know what? I like history. I do. Particularly the medieval kind with fanciful and occasionally unsubstantiated claims of heroism and grandeur.

There's some debate about "Harold's death" on the Bayeux Tapestry. And certainly, you couldn't take everything from the Song of Roland literally.

But, friend, I can assure you that the following link is worth your perusal, as it chronicles a tale of fanciment and woe most pitiful.

Don't pretend like you've never even once TRIED chatroulette.